Wednesday, November 3, 2010


- God who is the creator of the universe, who is interested in human affairs, and who should be worshiped. Existence of such a God would have effects in the physical universe and - like any other hypothesis - can be tested and falsified.
- we do not need religion to be good.would you commit
murder, rape or robbery if you knew that no God existed?
- Morality does not originate from the Bible,Bhagwat Geeta,Quran-e-shreef or Granth sahib.
- Religion is influencing society in other negative ways.
- Atheistic worldview is life-affirming in a way that religion, with its unsatisfying "answers" to life's mysteries, could never be.
-a definition of "universe" is "everything that exists anywhere" and the creator of the universe would have to already exist outside the universe he created . . . but there is nothing outside of everything that exists anywhere.
-Many theists think that the existence of god is a priori, hence the reason they often ask atheists to "disprove" his existence, not realising that there is no need to disprove something that has not actually been proven
-Reasonableness should be consider to be the primary intellectual virtue possible to man. And this leads to an interesting conclusion regarding atheism. The reasonable person, when examining religious claims, will be concerned only with the truth-value of those claims
-The important question is whether religion is ever the best force for good at our disposal. And I think the answer to this question is clearly “no”—because religion gives people bad reasons for being good where good reasons are available. Ask yourself which is better: going to Africa to feed the hungry because (1) you believe an invisible carpenter (who just happens to be the son of the creator of the universe) wants you to do it, or (2) because you feel moved to alleviate the suffering of your fellow human beings? (Sam Harris; to the Economist)

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